While Google decision to display image rights information is an immense improvement that should be celebrated ( and followed) by every photo creator in the world, it is not without financial afterthoughts. Continue Reading

Last year we changed the name of our conference, from Mobile Photo Connect to Visual 1st. Besides wanting to affirm our focus that visuals are increasingly at the core of how people communicate and retain their memories, we also felt we needed to let go of the words “mobile” and “photo”Continue Reading

Every year one enters the hallway of the SVA Theatre in the heart of New York thinking that there is no way the organizers of the LDV Vision Summit can outperform the previous year. And every year you step out two days later, happily disappointed that your prediction was wrong.Continue Reading

Guest post by: Thierry Secretan, photographer, journalist, filmmaker. Only 3% of the photographs published on the web still have their metadata — The remaining 97% are stripped of all metadata. Why? How? By whom? What are the solutions? In a time where we are confronting a surge of fake news, these questionsContinue Reading

Flickr’s acquisition by Smugmug, if anything, has reminded us that the grandfather of photo sharing site is not dead. Yet. Almost hidden in the weekend lull, the news surprised almost everyone paying attention to this space: It’s been a long while since Flickr grabbed the headlines. But beyond the unconventional lack of details,Continue Reading

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Global Blockchain Forum and immersing myself in this for me mostly new world of ICO seekers, self-proclaimed investors, blockchain developers, VCs suffering from FOMO, and libertarians and anarchists from all over the world for which the prime method of communication is Telegram – because you never knowContinue Reading

Since photography is the simple process of permanently capturing light waves, it is considered a perfect tool to capture reality.  It is, at its core, no different than our eyes. Even with its known limitations ( like less periphery, less color bandwidth or less dynamic range), it has and continues toContinue Reading

Publish an image online today and there is a very good chance that within a few days, there will be hundreds, if not thousands of copies of it throughout the internet.  None, unfortunately, will bear any information on who is the creator and how he/she can be found. This isContinue Reading

About a week ago, Unsplash announced that they had raised $7.25 million, along with plans to bring cryptocurrency to its free stock photo service. While most see their move as a potential Shutterstock killer, Unsplash could end up becoming a  potent competitor to Instagram, Pinterest, and Snap as they share more DNA. A shortContinue Reading