For those with little or no memory, there was a time not so long ago when every mention of photography was preceded or followed by these three letters: NFT. Since generative AI burst onto the scene, mentions, as well as the value of these three letters, have plummeted. The frenzyContinue Reading

The year is coming to an end, and unlike the previous years, things are not quieting down. In fact, it’s increasing. 2022 is undoubtedly the year of Generative AI. And with it, not only a flurry of applications but many, many questions, if not anxieties. While other events might haveContinue Reading

Within its half-open, half-closed status, 2021 will be remembered as a transition year: A melting pot between ending lockdowns, rising vaccines and masks mandates, new variants, ending and restarting restrictions. But if anything, it did nothing to slow down the pace of online innovation—quite the opposite. If visual tech experiencedContinue Reading

The real strength of deepfakes or alternate images is not that they falsify the truth – we have been able to that since the birth of photography but rather, thanks to social media, that they are completely dissociated from their original creators and thus their intent. When the Soviet governmentContinue Reading

With 2018 soon coming to a close, it’s time to review the most significant photo industry news which will have impact in 2019.Continue Reading

Guest post by: Thierry Secretan, photographer, journalist, filmmaker. Only 3% of the photographs published on the web still have their metadata — The remaining 97% are stripped of all metadata. Why? How? By whom? What are the solutions? In a time where we are confronting a surge of fake news, these questionsContinue Reading

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Global Blockchain Forum and immersing myself in this for me mostly new world of ICO seekers, self-proclaimed investors, blockchain developers, VCs suffering from FOMO, and libertarians and anarchists from all over the world for which the prime method of communication is Telegram – because you never knowContinue Reading