Some acquisitions have far wider implications than others. While it made perfect sense for Shutterstock to acquire a company like Rex Features in order to grab a foothold in the editorial space, it was just that. A simple acquisition of content along with established corresponding sales channels. Shutterstock recent acquisition of FlashStock, however,Continue Reading

Photo by Kevin Law

You wouldn’t think about it this way, but Wall Street tends to be highly emotional and jittery  when it comes to stock photo licensing. When companies with voracious growths – anything above 30%-  show any signs of slowing down, it starts running for cover. The reason is very simple: theContinue Reading

Jon Oringer of Shutterstock said it well: barrier of entry in  stock photography licensing  today is very low (actually getting lower), barrier to scalability is very high and getting higher. In other words, it is easy to find and regroup content to license (UGC or not). It is much harderContinue Reading