For those with little or no memory, there was a time not so long ago when every mention of photography was preceded or followed by these three letters: NFT. Since generative AI burst onto the scene, mentions, as well as the value of these three letters, have plummeted. The frenzyContinue Reading

Let’s be honest; resizing is a pain. In the world of visual content, it’s like a recurring bad dream. Different social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newcomer Threads – all have their own rules for image sizes. And it doesn’t stop there, regular websites, with their numerousContinue Reading

According to the latest report by Citi, the creator economy market is estimated to be worth around $60 billion per year, and it’s expected to grow at a rate of approximately 9% until 2024, reaching $75 billion. However, this is missing the obvious. The impact of AI on the creator economyContinue Reading

In today’s world, personalization is no longer a luxury; it’s an expectation. People want to be seen and understood as unique individuals with their own preferences, interests, and values. And with the rise of generative AI, that expectation is becoming a reality. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligenceContinue Reading

While we have known for quite some time how colors, shapes, and distribution deeply affect how we perceive and thus interact with the world, this science had remained on the shelves of academia. Until now. With 41% of marketers publishing visual content 2 to 5 times a week to getContinue Reading

Creative Designer Conceptual Photograph Color Busts From computer Technology

On one side, an economy exponentially craving for content. On the other, a static, unprepared landscape ripe for disruption. The stage is set for a redistribution of value in a vibrant and volatile environment: Witness the formation of a new visual content ecosystem. It’s been a cascading series of announcements:Continue Reading