The world is ablaze with generative AI. A few words put together in a barely legible English phrase and out comes visual art almost equivalent to what great artists have only sporadically allowed us to enjoy throughout human history. What took decades upon decades to master and only granted toContinue Reading

While we have known for quite some time how colors, shapes, and distribution deeply affect how we perceive and thus interact with the world, this science had remained on the shelves of academia. Until now. With 41% of marketers publishing visual content 2 to 5 times a week to getContinue Reading

The photo print products use case: A relic of the past? Or teeming with new opportunities? It’s been four years since we conducted our last photo print product survey. Given how dramatically the world of photo taking, enhancing and sharing has changed since, we decided to measure today’s consumers’ behavior andContinue Reading

The Trolley Problem is a famous ethic thought-experiment.  Here how it goes: There is a Trolley barreling down the railroad tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the trainContinue Reading

It might have all started when Snapchat rebranded itself “A camera company”. Or even long before, in 2002, when Nokia decided to put a camera on their cell phones.  Whenever it happened, it is still really only the beginning… “It” is the moment the camera became forever separated from its originalContinue Reading

Hidden deep inside Apple’s WWDC 17 was an announcement that made little waves but that might have great repercussion: In their OS11 release, the Cupertino company plans to store images using their new HEIF format rather the almighty JPEG. The reason? HEIF compression takes half the space of the JPEG compression, suddenly doublingContinue Reading

While billions of images are being shared daily, little to nothing is known about how viewers respond to them. Until now. Using hundreds of thousands of data points extracted from million of images, Picasso Labs offers the first A.I. powered insight tool for images. Thanks to its deep analytical resources,Continue Reading