Everyone knows the number and it doesn’t lie: 1.6 Billion images uploaded daily. Out of the main platforms people use to communicate daily, the top 5 (Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Facebook, Pinterest) use almost exclusively photographs. It is estimated that 75% of the web’s real estate is also made of images. YetContinue Reading

Amazon is the latest big company to throw itself into the visual content recognition market.  Armed with the late 2015 acquisition of Orbeus, makers of ReKognition and Photo Time, it just launched its own APi service, also called ReKognition. After giants like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and smaller companies like Imagga orContinue Reading

While we are all aware photos have a massively dominating position on the web, we are also painfully aware of how little is done to tap into this massive source of data.  What people photograph and share reveal a lot about what they can and will consume. Few  startups offer solutions,Continue Reading

Tell me something I don’t know. Every year, this is the challenge raised by the LDV Vision Summit in front of an audience made of experts in their fields, scientists, researchers, founders, CEO’s, investors and pundits. And every year, the same reaction: Wow, I didn’t know that. The 2016 edition, whichContinue Reading

Machine vision is partially blind. Of all the information a camera can capture, one essential part is always missing. Unlike popular belief, 3D capture is not about rendering a 3D environment but rather giving vision sensors the power to integrate depth, very much as our own eyes ( and brain)Continue Reading

After Watson’s success at winning Jeopardy competitions, IBM created a whole new business unit entirely dedicated to taking advantage of its impressive capabilities. Using cloud computing and  cognitive A.I., the IBM Watson ecosystem can process language, text, image, speech or data as input for anyone at any scale. Realizing thatContinue Reading

And it’s back. In a little more than a month, the third edition of the LDV Vision Summit promises to be as enriching, if not more, than the previous two. 2  days jammed packed with sessions, presentations, a start-up competition and plenty of opportunities to network, all around visual tech.Continue Reading