lots of objects

Let’s face it. Photos are dumb. Without context they don’t reveal much.  While they can be really good at evoking emotions, they are really bad at explaining their content. In fact, without a viewer, an image explains nothing. Let me explain. When confronted with a photograph, we are only able toContinue Reading

The war of the embeds

At the end of 2007, a company called GumGum, came out with a product that, at the time, made little noise. They had spent some time looking at the online photo licensing space and thought the system was upside down. Their idea was that, instead of delivering a file againstContinue Reading

News emerged today that Google is hard at work on a new, somewhat secret bookmarking service. According to Florian Kiersch, a German student who enjoys trawling Google code, the new Chrome feature still being developed will replace Google collections and will be called Google Stars. Google Stars promises to not justContinue Reading


Mobile phones with cameras are certainly becoming ubiquitous and with them a flurry of apps battling to take control of their mini desktop.  But what about Tablets? They might not be the most practical tool to take pictures but they are certainly perfect for  everything else . Bigger screens, higherContinue Reading

Sell-News Home page

First in a series of exclusive interviews of photo/tech companies founders , we start with German based Sell-News.com. Launched in 2012,  Sell-News.com is a UGC bidding platform where sellers and buyers of visual news content meet : Slawomir Rybarczyk, founder and ceo, answers our questions : What is SellNews? SellNewsContinue Reading

We all know that photos are key to engagement. Tech companies know it, but more important, the advertising world knows it. And although no one has fully mastered its potential, everyone knows that photography is the most important asset of the web today. That is why, more and more, weContinue Reading

Shutterstock's road block

If anything, Getty Image announcement that they now offer free embed-able images has put a huge road block in Shutterstock growth path. Ever since the announcement a month ago,  Shutterstock has taken a beating on the stock market. From a high of $100, it has now fell below $60, lowerContinue Reading

Mobile first

Let’s face it. The next successful photo tech company will be mobile first and mobile only. The key mistake most photo tech companies are currently making is trying to monetize on the laptop web. Besides traditional media, this is no longer the place where people  consume images. They want to take,Continue Reading

The traditional image licensing business is a transactional one. Historically, the management of rights was considered to be an ongoing service, but with royalty free models eclipsing rights managed volumes, this is of little to no value for today’s image buyer. All value is wrapped up in the transaction: image rightsContinue Reading