Photo by Kevin Law

According to a study made in the UK,  40%  of people  under 35s said they have used their mobile device to take a picture of a specific item on the street to buy once they get home.  By answering two questions – what is in the image and where can IContinue Reading

Just imagine: You are at home and getting ready to head to a party. You have the perfect clothes but no shoes to match. You pick up your phone, scan your feet, select a model and after a while, you pick up your custom-made and custom fit shoes from yourContinue Reading

Fashion and photography have always had a love affair. Bring along shopping, and you have an explosion of passion, flowing seamlessly between the three. From discovery to possession, it is entirely driven by visuals, fueled by high emotional engagement. Curiously enough, few have been able to capitalize on it andContinue Reading

Regardless of what any teacher might say, there are two ways to become a photographer : take a lot of pictures and look at a lot of pictures. Everything else is secondary. And that is exactly what our teenagers are doing. In a recent study done by Facebook on teensContinue Reading

Brands are spending large amounts of money on sponsorships, in particular in sports, which are seen as a unique way of engaging emotionally with fans. Ideally the brand will be featured prominently in an image of a star player scoring a key goal for the home side and reap the benefitsContinue Reading

Inspirational imagery is more than just the beautiful photos that stand out on your Instagram feed. They are now part of the process of brand building and a method of discovery that can improve your brand’s sales. What was once looked at as an afterthought in communicating products and servicesContinue Reading

Photos are too short and videos are too long. Photos say too little and videos too much. In an age where we can link data so quickly and easily, it is amazing to see that photos are still just the online equivalent of their printed version : A flat 2D representationContinue Reading

Instagram loves wearables.  No, not the Apple iWatch kind. The regular kind : Fashion and sportswear are by far the two top categories of successful brands on Instagram. Propelled by the Nike and Adidas of the world, the sportswear category accumulates the highest rates of community with an average ofContinue Reading

After 7 years and raising $19 Million in 4 rounds, hugely popular photo editing app and SDK Aviary sold recently to Adobe. But this is not how the story ends. As the company enters is next chapter as part of the Adobe Creative Suite, co-founder Avi Muchnick tells us moreContinue Reading

Wrong move.  A new study just released by Socialbakers reveals that posting photos on Facebook might be the worst idea for brands trying to get attention. The reason ? Facebook algorithms. According to Business Insider who reviewed the study : “The Socialbakers data, which covered 4,445 Brand pages and moreContinue Reading