Rumors of that  Facebook is about to launch an ephemeral app surfaced late this week end. While it could be surprising for some, especially after the company’s failure in that space emphasised by the recent closure of Poke,  it is actually the least they could do. Here is why it makesContinue Reading

While we were exploring Techcrunch Disrupt in New York last week, we were welcomed by two French entrepreneurs based in Boston who showed us Sharalike, an impressively simple yet powerful  app to manage and share mobile photos slideshows: We decide to learn more and sat down with Etienne Leroy, Co-founder, CMO, CPOContinue Reading


Mobile phones with cameras are certainly becoming ubiquitous and with them a flurry of apps battling to take control of their mini desktop.  But what about Tablets? They might not be the most practical tool to take pictures but they are certainly perfect for  everything else . Bigger screens, higherContinue Reading

During this period of the year, like many of us that write about photography, I receive many well wishes from a wide variety of photographers, photo galleries, photo agencies and pretty much anyone involved in the photography business. They all come via email mostly from people I have never communicatedContinue Reading