If you have been reading this blog, you already know that we strongly believe that the next big disruption to the pro licensing scene is already in your hands. Not so much because everyone has a camera and can potentially shoot ( nothing new here) but rather for its ability toContinue Reading

I organized a panel at the recent PACA ( the Digital Media Licensing Association) conference around mobile photography and image licensing. I invited 4 companies  representative of what is going on in this space, in an effort to show and explain that the next major disruption in the professional image licensing worldContinue Reading

  I was perusing through photos of the 2013 CEPIC congress who just completed its annual festival in   Barcelona. Like every year, photo merchants from all over the world gathered around tables and four chairs to trade, exchange, redistribute content they mostly did not create, like kids playing withContinue Reading

I remember reading, a few years back, about the largest know living organism in the world. Located under the Oregon forest, it is a 2,200 year old fungus whose fruits, or otherwise known as mushrooms, peek out here and there. Probably because of its un appealing nature, fungi are poorlyContinue Reading

Photography is endangered. It’s ability to return revenue to its creator is threatened. Pretty soon, there will be no more professional photographers. or so they say. The recent news that the UK government has approved the passing of an Orphan Work bill has, once again, awakened the Armageddon sayers. FromContinue Reading

We are on the footsteps of a new photography landscape that is or will be affecting everyone who intends to draw substantial revenue operating a camera. While we can see and feel the changes, how to adapt is not clear. Mostly because we are trying to apply or adapt oldContinue Reading

There is a battle brewing in courts that everyone in the photo industry should pay very close attention to. A company called ReDigi ( https://www.redigi.com/) is in the business of allowing anyone to resale “used” digital files. In other words, allowing anyone to sell, for example, an MP3 file theyContinue Reading

Here’ ’s the deal: Photography is all about sharing and social media is all about sharing. In fact , social media is all about sharing photography. So why is it that the extreme majority of those who take pictures for a living cannot make a living with social media ?Continue Reading

It’s the end of the year and soon the beginning of a new one. Time to review the past year and what better way them giving out awards, especially if it doesn’t involve a three hour long ceremony. Here goes, the first annual Thoughts of a Bohemian awards, or otherwise called the Bohey’s. BestContinue Reading

The next major disruption  in the photo world will be individual licensing. The ability for any individual to license images directly. There are a few forces pointing in  that direction. First, and most visible , is the sheer volume of photos taken. Among those, probabilities tell us, are images ofContinue Reading