Lytro is an interesting company in the photo space because it is one of the rare few that has taken the very challenging path of trying to introduce a brand new image format.  Instead of trying to stretch the last dying pixels of the too common jpg and it’s flat,Continue Reading

The Apple WWDC closes and it leaves crumbs on the floor.  Let’s see what message they leave us: iOS 8 and Yosemite will be a another major push from Apple to continue to dominate the photo tech world. Unlike app makers, the Copernito team has the luxury of waiting and analysing whatContinue Reading

Crowdsourced content is only as good as the ability to curate it. Mapillary does exactly that by using computer vision to understand the relationships between two images and stitching them together automatically. Using GPS information, it is building the largest user-generated  photographic map of the world. We caught up with co-founderContinue Reading

We sat down with Evan Nisselson,  investor and founder of the LDV Vision Summit to find out more about this first of a kind event being held on June 4 in New York. Why did you decide to create the LDV Vision Summit? I have been involved in digital imaging and videoContinue Reading

Even our cell phones cameras could one day be replaced by new tools which will make the process of taking picture even easier and less disruptive. Narrative, with its wearable camera, is in the process of disrupting everything we thought we knew about photography. We caught up with its co-founderContinue Reading

Google wants them, Amazon wants them, Twitter, Facebook, DropBox, Evernote , Yahoo wants them.  Everyone on the internet, it seems, wants your photos. And for good reasons: • Photos are  what makes you come back over and over to a site/app. Not only your images but those of your friends,Continue Reading

Rumors of that  Facebook is about to launch an ephemeral app surfaced late this week end. While it could be surprising for some, especially after the company’s failure in that space emphasised by the recent closure of Poke,  it is actually the least they could do. Here is why it makesContinue Reading

While we were exploring Techcrunch Disrupt in New York last week, we were welcomed by two French entrepreneurs based in Boston who showed us Sharalike, an impressively simple yet powerful  app to manage and share mobile photos slideshows: We decide to learn more and sat down with Etienne Leroy, Co-founder, CMO, CPOContinue Reading