We all know that photos are key to engagement. Tech companies know it, but more important, the advertising world knows it. And although no one has fully mastered its potential, everyone knows that photography is the most important asset of the web today. That is why, more and more, weContinue Reading

The next frontier in digital revenue is the yet untapped landscape of the millions of photographs uploaded and shared everyday. Photographs are considered by many to represent more than  75% of the internet real estate, yet no one has yet successfully cracked  its full revenue potential. With almost unlimited resources,Continue Reading

Today, or yesterday, Google made a little change to its image search engine that could have great consequences. Apparently responding to a blog post by Lessing – the leading advocate for a copyright free world- who was complaining that Bing Images search offered better functionality, Google decided to move theContinue Reading

Instagram knows more about photography than Getty Images does. Or Corbis. Or Associated press. Or even Shutterstock. In 3 years years, it has aggregated more information about which photograph works better than the combinations of the best photo editors at any photo agency. It is not just Instagram. Flickr doesContinue Reading

The only two things you need to know about Facebook new terms are : – ( already exists) “you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook.” – ( revised) “You give us permission to use your name,Continue Reading

Another shot was fired this week in the killing fields of photography. Just after announcing the purchase for $1 billion of Tumblr, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo declared “ There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing asContinue Reading

Photography is endangered. It’s ability to return revenue to its creator is threatened. Pretty soon, there will be no more professional photographers. or so they say. The recent news that the UK government has approved the passing of an Orphan Work bill has, once again, awakened the Armageddon sayers. FromContinue Reading

About a week ago, Eric Schmidt of Google jumped into a plane to Paris in order to catch Francois Hollande, the French President, himself about to leave for war-torn Mali, for a quick signature photo op. They both happily signed the bottom of a document and departed their own ways.Continue Reading

Finally a smart exact match image finder with accurate results. Current image match operators use a lazy approach to find similar images. They scan the images and look for exact replica patterns in other images, regardless of content. The result is that they sometimes , or very often, get fooledContinue Reading

It was bound to happen. Like clockwork, Google has released its Tineye killer : Google’s version is much better as it also offers exact match with size option, similars, and of course any context relevant to the imageSince Google has a million time more resources than Idee, the company behindContinue Reading