This is a different kind of multimedia. No, not the guy on the radio talking, but what he is talking about. A photographer and a graphic novel artist got together to create a book that mixes photographs and graphics. The graphic story is about the photographer and the photographs areContinue Reading

There should be a special site for photography’s worst offenders. Somewhere for everyone to be aware of those who steal images, those who infringe copyright on a regular basis, those who do not pay, and anyone that has their hearts set to painfully hurt our beloved profession. Like a giantContinue Reading

This is important for many reasons ( more in a later post)  : THE YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS ALLIANCE DEBUTS IN CHICAGO, ALAMY FIRST TO PLEDGE SUPPORT MAY 6, 2009, PAVILION, NEW YORK: The Young Photographers Alliance (YPA) ( made its debut in Chicago at Picturehouse’s 4th annual event held on ThursdayContinue Reading

You have to love the French !! This is a good one: Here is the latest. In an attempt to be more convinient and user friendly, I presume, the French governement has decided to  put free automated passport machines in all the city halls ( 2000 nationwide). The idea isContinue Reading

Great photographers are fundamentally unhappy people. Not in the suburban housewife way of unhappy and waiting for something tremendously beautiful to happen and be swept  away, a la “Madame Bovary”. Not at all. They are unhappy with the world around them and how it functions. What bothers them is theContinue Reading

A bunch of photography associations recently banded together and issued a joint statement.  Called “Save photography !”, it is looking to garner enough signatures from photo professionals to make an impact. The country is France and the associations are Freelens (a photojournalist association), the UPC ( Union des Photographes Createurs)Continue Reading

it’s not photography that is important, its the message that it conveys. What photojournalism is all about, is messaging. It brings to our attention something that is happening elsewhere, beyond the scope of our own eyes and individuality. It permits viewers to travel through space and time without ever leavingContinue Reading

 According to AFP, french photographer Alain Ernoult has been awarded 1 million euros in a case involving Getty Images. The photographer, famous for his areal images, was a contributor to The Image Bank. He had signed an exclusive agreement with the company, covering the years 1991 to 1995.  In 2001,Continue Reading

What is revolting about this image ? what makes people so upset ? what about this one ? Those the image above makes you feel like screaming foul ? Do you want to pick up your phone and tell the exhibitor to pull them down, immediately. I fear not. besidesContinue Reading

 Paris, France. Spring of 1871.  After a four month siege of Paris by the Prussian army in a war started by Napoleon III, the French Government decides to surrender. In a decaying world where aristocracy is loosing its powers on the emerging working class,they also decide to let the GermanContinue Reading