In the silence of mid-summer, the Copyright hub launched its first practical initiative.  For those who do not know, which is the vast majority of everyone reading this,  the Copyright Hub is the brainchild of the UK effort to help drag copyright legislation into theContinue Reading

Responding to an increasing demand for reliable insights on the stock photography market, the three top stock photography industry experts, Lee Torrens, Paul Melcher and Amos Struck, have officially launched Stock Photo Insight (, a consulting service providing calls with all three experts simultaneously. In addition, Stock Photo Insight isContinue Reading

Liam Bailey, Co-Founder, Photocrowd

The road to editorial supremacy is paved with many dangerous potholes and if Shutterstock wants to succeed in that space, it has to be ready to change the rules. The same way it has done with commercial stock. However, this time, the competition is ready and  up in arms. SurpriseContinue Reading

What will we do with all the data we accumulate from photos? On a daily basis, internet juggernauts like Google, Yahoo, Facebook or Microsoft use highly sophisticated deep learning engines to better understand the content of billions of images uploaded, liked and shared. For now, it is to better serve adverting but what elseContinue Reading

Jon Oringer of Shutterstock said it well: barrier of entry in  stock photography licensing  today is very low (actually getting lower), barrier to scalability is very high and getting higher. In other words, it is easy to find and regroup content to license (UGC or not). It is much harderContinue Reading

adobe stock

Will convenience be the powerful  feature to  make Adobe’s $800 million gamble succeed in the stock photo market? Launched amidst a flurry of Creative Cloud updates for Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere, Adobe Stock is a fully integrated stock photo offering within the company’s flagship product. Created with the content ofContinue Reading

Andrea Frome, Software Engineer, Research at Google

To understand the role of photography today, we have to understand why we take pictures. We automatically tend to associate picture-taking as an addition to our memory function since a lot of our natural visual activity is geared towards storing information for later use. However, with the advent of digital andContinue Reading

Earlier this week, Mediapost published an article on the rising demand for original content by brands. Citing recent research, the article states that “estimated budgets for producing content have grown steadily from 12.6% two years ago to 23.3%, today — and are on track to surpass 33% by 2017 —Continue Reading

In an industry that practically defines itself by its conservative progress, it is nice to see bursts of innovation. As we have written many times, it is almost exclusively outsiders who introduce new concepts as they are unshackled from legacy culture. Our first refreshing innovator is a company called Placeit.Continue Reading

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Bloomberg started spewing articles after articles on the sorry state of Getty Images. Three in a row, which is more than they did in the last 3 years combined. Fresh from insider knowledge, it reported Getty Images having  poor ratings on a debt secured when purchasedContinue Reading