Here’s what’s wrong with the photography world and social media. They try to use it as a tool to bring more traffic and sales to their images.    Social media is all about giving, not taking. If you approach social media like a giant poolContinue Reading

  I was perusing through photos of the 2013 CEPIC congress who just completed its annual festival in   Barcelona. Like every year, photo merchants from all over the world gathered around tables and four chairs to trade, exchange, redistribute content they mostly did not create, like kids playing withContinue Reading

Another shot was fired this week in the killing fields of photography. Just after announcing the purchase for $1 billion of Tumblr, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo declared “ There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing asContinue Reading

I remember reading, a few years back, about the largest know living organism in the world. Located under the Oregon forest, it is a 2,200 year old fungus whose fruits, or otherwise known as mushrooms, peek out here and there. Probably because of its un appealing nature, fungi are poorlyContinue Reading

We are on the footsteps of a new photography landscape that is or will be affecting everyone who intends to draw substantial revenue operating a camera. While we can see and feel the changes, how to adapt is not clear. Mostly because we are trying to apply or adapt oldContinue Reading

Here’ ’s the deal: Photography is all about sharing and social media is all about sharing. In fact , social media is all about sharing photography. So why is it that the extreme majority of those who take pictures for a living cannot make a living with social media ?Continue Reading

It’s the end of the year and soon the beginning of a new one. Time to review the past year and what better way them giving out awards, especially if it doesn’t involve a three hour long ceremony. Here goes, the first annual Thoughts of a Bohemian awards, or otherwise called the Bohey’s. BestContinue Reading

Photographs were never meant to disappear, or vanish. We take photographs to remember, and that, better than our aging memories can. The whole act of taking pictures is now an almost natural extension of our remembrance process. So, when the next highly trending app does exactly the opposite, it becomesContinue Reading

The next major disruption  in the photo world will be individual licensing. The ability for any individual to license images directly. There are a few forces pointing in  that direction. First, and most visible , is the sheer volume of photos taken. Among those, probabilities tell us, are images ofContinue Reading

In effect , photography is a tool for the blind. Because of our deep relationship with the animal world, our brain is wired exclusively to detect motion. In a natural state, we pay little or no attention to anything static because it offers little to no threat. We actually haveContinue Reading