Photo by Chalky Lives :

Photo sharing apps are dime a dozen with new ones being offered everyday. They are built on the premise that every photo taken and shared should have an audience, which is not often the case. In fact, we are being forced fed photos from our friends and relatives with fewContinue Reading

It’s never a good time to die. Never. But there are months that are worst than others. August is one of them, especially if you live in Western Europe. August is when everyone leaves on vacation and tunes off. Everyone and from everything. So if you pass away during August,Continue Reading

The problem with photography today is not Instagram, Selfies or other Snapchat. It is not the devaluation of the value of professional photography. No, those are nothing compared to the massive influx of a pernicious disease infecting modern photography. The problem with photography today is that everyone writes about photography.Continue Reading

The Apple WWDC closes and it leaves crumbs on the floor.  Let’s see what message they leave us: iOS 8 and Yosemite will be a another major push from Apple to continue to dominate the photo tech world. Unlike app makers, the Copernito team has the luxury of waiting and analysing whatContinue Reading

Sell-News Home page

First in a series of exclusive interviews of photo/tech companies founders , we start with German based Launched in 2012, is a UGC bidding platform where sellers and buyers of visual news content meet : Slawomir Rybarczyk, founder and ceo, answers our questions : What is SellNews? SellNewsContinue Reading

      The world of professional photography has been scratching its head trying to figure out why so many casual photographers are having as much success, if not more, than they are. After all, on one side you have experience, adequate equipment, preparation, knowledge and on the other, well,Continue Reading

The most seen picture of last night’s Oscars was not neither taken by a DSLR, nor  by a professional photographer and was not published (at first) in any publication. It was a selfie taken on a Samsung Note 3 by an actor and published on Twitter. If anyone needed aContinue Reading

If you have been reading this blog, you already know that we strongly believe that the next big disruption to the pro licensing scene is already in your hands. Not so much because everyone has a camera and can potentially shoot ( nothing new here) but rather for its ability toContinue Reading

Photography is an act of reduction. Besides the obvious like sound, touch, smell, when we photograph, we take a conscious decision to subtract elements of reality. Framing is not so much about what to include but rather what to exclude. Everything we decide not to include in our frame isContinue Reading

         In light of the ongoing conversation about the issue of the nature of government photographer produced images supplanting independent photojournalists, on December 31st Dutch newspaper The Volkskrant (circ 250k) published a full page spread placing side to side images from North Korean leader Kim Jung UnContinue Reading