Andrea Frome, Software Engineer, Research at Google

To understand the role of photography today, we have to understand why we take pictures. We automatically tend to associate picture-taking as an addition to our memory function since a lot of our natural visual activity is geared towards storing information for later use. However, with the advent of digital andContinue Reading

That’s it. It’s official. Google photos is now free from G+ and starting a life of its own. For those who subscribe to our weekly newsletter, you might have noticed that we called what would be the key differentiator: free unlimited storage. With so many of the other features (Continue Reading

LDV Vision Summit

Different day, different crowd : If day 1 of the LDV Vision Summit was all about science, research and data ( massive amounts of data), Day 2 opened the doors to more practical applications of visual tech, mostly around revenue. In other words, how companies are using the discoveries of researchersContinue Reading

Another LDV Vision Summit  just ended yesterday and with it, the conclusion of 2 full days of discussions about visual tech and its impact on our world. While it has become a cliché to point out the huge amount of photos/videos  taken, posted and shared daily, what is much lessContinue Reading

That’s it. It’s official. After months of maybes, wild rumors, executive defection, Google finally announced the splitting of Google + into independent platforms, Stream and Photos. While there might be a future for Stream, we are only interested in the development of Photos, possibly named Photo +. The trigger ofContinue Reading

Installed Base of Digital Cameras 2014

One of the biggest issue facing the professional photos licensing world today is search engines. In their effort to stay appealing to their users, they have all added an image search that allows for the quick and easy return of photos ( or graphics) corresponding to a query. Google, ofContinue Reading

We sat down with investor and creator of the LDV Vision Summit Evan Nisselson, so he could tell us more about the upcoming 2015 edition of the Summit, as well as his thoughts about the visual web. What worked well last year ? Last year, we organized the first LDVContinue Reading

With 2014 now behind us, it is time to look at the new year with innocent crisp  new eyes, full of hope and wishful thinking. As tradition demands, let’s jump into the prediction bandwagon and look at what the Photo:Tech space will bring  in 2015. 1) The majors will enterContinue Reading