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While judges from top photojournalism competitions ( World Press, PoYi, etc) are getting ready to sit down and assume their role of gatekeepers of the true art, what is or not acceptable image alteration continues to slow burn deep inside the profession with no clear resolution in sight. Each organization,Continue Reading

cash machine

North America woke up with the news that golden boy photo agency Shutterstock acquired no less than 2 companies in what seems as one swoop. One, in the music category, the other, in the photo licensing world. Obviously it is the latter that interests us here. Shutterstock’s announcement that it has acquiredContinue Reading

We cannot achieve anything significant by ourselves. As much as we would love to, it is impossible to succeed without the help of others. Yet, over and over, we try with the same predictable outcome. For decades now, the number one issue that has plague the photo licensing industry hasContinue Reading

The sharp rise in content marketing by corporations has demanded a commensurate rise in content acquisition from traditional sources, and has opened the door to niche platforms and services such as Thismoment and Newscred. The impact to the photo industry has been mixed. On one hand, image licensing agencies –Continue Reading

Embeddable images through online publishers can be a tactic for extending the reach and brand of publishers, who are the direct recipients of its traffic-building and presence. As you allow sharing, your content network grows, as do link-backs and overall web-imprint of a publisher’s site and branding. More often thanContinue Reading

photo by

Flickr’s recent announcement that it will offer licensing tools to its user base should come as no surprise to the readers to Kaptur. We predicted such a move a while back. At a time when more and more photo tech companies are putting their content for licensing,  from 500px to EyeEmContinue Reading

photo by Mike

It ripped the sky open like a lighting in a summer night but we hardly heard the thunder. Yet. A few articles, from the Wall Street Journal to Techcrunch replicating the press release, but that is about it. Which is a little disturbing because a series A investment of $61Continue Reading

The next big frontier for anyone involved with photography online is content curation.  The value of a company dealing with photography is not in its ability to attract a large amount of content – that is the easy part-  but rather in its ability to create value to the contentContinue Reading

Photo Tech users

JUNE 25, 2014 , Guest post by Robert Henson The annual conference CEPIC recently took place in Berlin, where international photo libraries congregate primarily to seek distribution for their images and/or image collections to represent for their clients. The industry they serve is commercial and editorial image licensing, and their clients are advertisersContinue Reading