Although they circle at different speeds, have different sizes and even differ in their composition, some planets happen to periodically align themselves so perfectly that it is possible, from earth, to see them on the same horizon. This is what happened a few weeks ago with Venus, Jupiter and Mars.Continue Reading

It’s been a devastating couple of weeks for on-line advertising: First Apple threw oil on the ad blocking  fire by releasing iOS9 with advertising blocking features. Then, it was just revealed that over half ( 55.5%) of all online advertising spending is shared between Facebook, Google, Twitter and Linkedin. AndContinue Reading

While there has never been so many photos taken and shared online, the world of professional photo licensing is not striving. In fact, most legacy companies have seen their revenue freeze or decline in the last decade, with rare exceptions.  While at first contradictory, a closer analysis reveals that part of the issueContinue Reading

While there has never been so many photos taken and shared online, the world of professional photo licensing is not striving. In fact, most legacy companies have seen their revenue freeze or decline in the last decade, with rare exceptions.  While at first contradictory, a closer analysis reveals that part ofContinue Reading

Andrew Cleland current portfolio of companies via Comcast Ventures

Public photo industry surveys are so rare and few that it is always a refreshing exercise to review one when they do come out. VisualSteam just released the 2015 edition of its Art Buyer Survey and it surfaces some interesting trends. Leslie Hughes, VisualSteam’s President and CEO, said, “Art BuyersContinue Reading

Some days are harder than others. Some days just hit you so hard that when the sun finally sets, that your stuff is somewhat back in order and you head finally hits the pillow, your first and last thought before you fall asleep is just an unanswered question: why ?Continue Reading

Photo by Kevin Law

You wouldn’t think about it this way, but Wall Street tends to be highly emotional and jittery  when it comes to stock photo licensing. When companies with voracious growths – anything above 30%-  show any signs of slowing down, it starts running for cover. The reason is very simple: theContinue Reading

EyeEm is the  photo app photographers’ love. Not only  it offers the expected gamut of editing tools we have now become accustomed to, it delivers it in an environment particularly friendly to image creators. Unlike older sister Instagram, EyeEm seeks to help its members generate revenue with their creations, making themContinue Reading

We’ve all heard the story: On June 6, 1944,  photojournalist Robert Capa embarks on the first boats scheduled to land on Ohama beach, part of Operation Overlord, the famous D- Day. Armed only with two cameras, he lands with the first US troops under heavy Nazi fire and shoots  during atContinue Reading

As we look at the photographs that are shown to us, in print magazines, on websites or on the cell phone screens of our co-workers, we absorb a reality that is not ours. Rather than consuming photography, we are consumed by it. Image taken with cameras, whether from point andContinue Reading