From a Photo Editor job posting at Time, inc, the world’s biggest publisher of magazine in the world: -Excellent editorial judgment and eye, must generate story ideas and identify topics to cover, must react to news. -Edit and build various online photo galleries, notably never-seen LIFE archival content and LIFE.comsContinue Reading

So, it seems that most people would consider that we have reach a turning point in our industry. Which one, no one is really sure. Let’s see if we can fix that. What happens when people are asked to perform the same task for less  compensation they are used toContinue Reading

 The Long love affair between photography and Media is over . Because the editorial world is replacing experience photo editors with journalistic background for inexperience pixel pushers that are ordered to select the cheapest images, regardless of quality, they are opening the visual airways for steep competition. A bit likeContinue Reading

 Breaking news: Getty backs off the Rex Features deal.. See Getty’s internal email: From: Nick Evans-Lombe, Chief Operating Officer and Adrian Murrell, SVP Global Editorial Hello, As you know, in April we announced our intention to purchase Rex Features. We decided to voluntarily go to the Office of Fair TradingContinue Reading

So, the French minister of Culture ( at least they have one) descends to the Arles photo festival like a conqueror and announces, probably very proud of himself, that he and his photo committee he created a while back,  will create a photo portal. A French one, in three languagesContinue Reading

It’s on the verge of a precipice and let’s face it, it will be hard to prevent it. No, not the photo industry ; Ethics and photography. More and more we are seeing example of photographer being caught altering their images. The issue is really affecting photojournalism and sports photography.Continue Reading

And you thought that the new features in the new release of Photoshop CS were impressive. Microsoft apparently does not want to be left behind and just showed to Techcrunch a sneak peek of the next release of Windows Live Essentials Photo Gallery upgrade, something called photo fuse. In aContinue Reading

Photography, like most industries affected by a center of gravity shift to digital, has experienced more than a migration from film to data packets. One of the most fundamental shift, however,  is how the decision process moved from quality of content to cost. Let me explain: For a long time,Continue Reading

What is going ? I ‘ll tell you what is going on : Recently, Time, inc, the biggest publisher of magazines in the world has made an agreement with AP, Reuters and Getty Images to license any and all non-exclusive images for a flat rate of $50.00, regardless of sizeContinue Reading