You discover, you save, you share. What should be a series of simple 1-2-3 tasks on your mobile devices can become a real hassle, especially if you are running iOS. Each step requires you to close and open different apps with the risk of losing it all in the process. Newly launch mobile app Bespoke eliminates all the technological roadblocks, allowing users to focus solely on inspiration and creation. Via a dedicated browser, users can now simply navigate back and forth from curating, sharing and browsing from one location. We spoke with co-founder and CEO Michele Spiezia to learn more.
– A little about you, what is your background?
I’m a poet turned filmmaker turned startup founder!. In inherent doer, self-starter, and productivity addict. I love lists. I’m the butterfly net that catches Francesco’s ideas & brings them to life, and the gas in the tank that keeps us on the move.
– Why Bespoke? What does it solve?
– It’s a bit like Pinterest. What are the differences?
– Not unlike Pinterest, Bespoke relies on other creators photos to be successful. How do you handle copyright concerns?
– It’s iPad only. Do you plan versions for android tablets and desktop?
– Who is your target client?
– Bespoke is $2.99 for now. isn’t it a hurdle for growth?
– Do you plan to have white label enterprise versions later on?
– At what point will you consider Bespoke a success?
– What would you like to see Bespoke offer that technology can not yet offer
Author: Paul Melcher
Paul Melcher is a highly influential and visionary leader in visual tech, with 20+ years of experience in licensing, tech innovation, and entrepreneurship. He is the Managing Director of MelcherSystem and has held executive roles at Corbis, Gamma Press, Stipple, and more. Melcher received a Digital Media Licensing Association Award and has been named among the “100 most influential individuals in American photography”
10 questions for a founder : Bespoke on @kapturmag!