The companies that will survive have their eyes set to where they will be in 5 years. Those who are playing the day to day game, hoping to surf the waves to the shore of victory will eventually find out there is no success waiting for them behind the nextContinue Reading

Photography is much more powerful than we think it is. It can take pictures of the past. Take this image that you might have seen before, photographed by the Hubble telescope in 2004 : What you are seeing is the farthest image ever taken. Those tiny faint lights in theContinue Reading

“Copyright owners tend to focus on the aspect they see of piracy, which is the lost revenue. They therefore think what drives users to do it is the desire to get something for free. But iTunes shows that people will pay for stuff online, if you make it easy. AContinue Reading

So,  Hearst publishing is going to come out with an e-magazine reader. For those familiar with the Amazon e-book reader Kindle, it will be easy to picture the same with a bigger screen and less bulky. For those who are not, here is a photograph of the Plastic Logic reader:Continue Reading

I know it has been said here that the World Press Awards 2009 was a nice selection, albeit maybe too much linked to the most important events of the year. Who is to say that a lesser known event might have had stronger images ? Regardless, ever since the results,Continue Reading

Alan Meckler, the man behind the epic rise and fall of JupiterImages, is now back on the blogging block. His ” I have returned” entry is all about blaming the banks ( what, not the housing market ?). On more photographic news, the White House Photographers have voted for theirContinue Reading

You know it’s coming…you are just not sure what to do about it. A few weeks ago, Apple released the new version of their personal DAM called Iphoto. Besides being one of the worst photo organizing application, it came out bundled with a little gadget that allows  it to recognizeContinue Reading

“But one of the — Google — I mean, the harsh way of just defining it, Google devalues everything it touches. Google is great for Google, but it’s terrible for content providers, because it divides that content quantitatively rather than qualitatively. And if you are going to get people toContinue Reading

While we see a proliferation of photography in our everyday lives, much more than we have historically have ever been subjected to, we also see it diminishing in size. Before the 90’s and the advent of the web browser, our only interaction with still images was mostly in print magazinesContinue Reading