“Protect your content integrity and mitigate the impact of image manipulation with proactive response mechanisms. Learn how companies are tackling the challenges of eroding trust in visual content. Act now to safeguard your brand’s reputation and reliability.”Continue Reading

According to the latest report by Citi, the creator economy market is estimated to be worth around $60 billion per year, and it’s expected to grow at a rate of approximately 9% until 2024, reaching $75 billion. However, this is missing the obvious. The impact of AI on the creator economyContinue Reading

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Generative AI has revolutionized content creation, allowing businesses to produce high-quality, personalized content at scale. However, with this technology comes a significant challenge – the trust issue. One of the main concerns with generative AI is that it may produce false or misleading content, which can harm the credibility ofContinue Reading

In today’s world, personalization is no longer a luxury; it’s an expectation. People want to be seen and understood as unique individuals with their own preferences, interests, and values. And with the rise of generative AI, that expectation is becoming a reality. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligenceContinue Reading

The year is coming to an end, and unlike the previous years, things are not quieting down. In fact, it’s increasing. 2022 is undoubtedly the year of Generative AI. And with it, not only a flurry of applications but many, many questions, if not anxieties. While other events might haveContinue Reading

An arachnid man once said: ” with great power comes great responsibility”. In the case of AI, this statement could not be more accurate. With the quick appearance and large availability of generative AI, issues around ethics and responsible behaviour have increased, forwarding the debate to the front of manyContinue Reading

The world is ablaze with generative AI. A few words put together in a barely legible English phrase and out comes visual art almost equivalent to what great artists have only sporadically allowed us to enjoy throughout human history. What took decades upon decades to master and only granted toContinue Reading

If 2021 was the year of the NFT, 2022 is the year of generative AI.  With the release of version 2 of DALL·E, OpenAI has unleashed world awareness on the possibility of synthetically created visual content. In its wake, developer and companies are proposing interesting ways to handle and interactContinue Reading