Up to now, images would only give you remote information in a passive way. More than often, they illustrate an accompanying article, with no more duty than to confirm what you are reading. As much as the photographer or publisher tried, it was a view and forget operation. No soContinue Reading

Photography has always been about Time. and Space.  When one presses on that button, both are frozen, captured and can thus be delivered elsewhere in Time and Space. That was then. The makers of the GigaPan, a machine that takes multiple images of a scene with various focal lengths inContinue Reading

Always a late entry in the continuous flow of photographic awards, the Pultizer is still a very a very, very honorable one to receive. Mainly because it is one of the oldest ( the oldest ?), but also because it is so tied with sister, the written press. This year’sContinue Reading

It’s the content stupid ! well, no more. Some time ago, if you were lucky enough to have created an image that all wanted, you could easily sit on it and wait for your phone to ring. Not really anymore. The center of the business gravity has shifted. To thoseContinue Reading

A great tribute to a great man, of a period when photo editing was so much more than just getting the “cheapest one”. from the NPPAContinue Reading

It used to be that photojournalism could be done by everyone. Lately, this seem to have shifted. When Bob Capa decided to go cover the Spanish civil war, he took with him ( or was it the opposite ?), photographer Gerda Taro. Probably because she died much earlier than CapaContinue Reading

No slightly blurry, underexposed images. No, “look at me, I took these pictures with a broken down Holga standing on one foot” pictures. No, “I am so much more important than the story I am photographing” reportage. No, “look at my Lego skills dude”. Nope. 100 % pure photojournalism. ThisContinue Reading

One of the interesting aspects of the launch of The Daily this week, for those of us who are in the business of licensing images, is how to price those images. Traditionally, an image license takes in consideration the circulation of the publication. And with  print, it is no problem.Continue Reading

Sometimes, away from the screams of the mainstream media’s ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder) , you fall on some incredibly powerful story. This is one of them. Beautifully photographed and edited by photographer Piotr Malecki.  ‘Nough said.  Take a look :Continue Reading

It’s started when Royalty Free wanted to find an easier way to price images. Someone, somewhere ( history forget his/her name) suggested that images should be priced according to size. A bit like a bag of potatoes .  The bigger size, the more expensive. Back in the late 90’s, thatContinue Reading