The only two things you need to know about Facebook new terms are : – ( already exists) “you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook.” – ( revised) “You give us permission to use your name,Continue Reading

Organizing the flow of images and extracting value. Finding, in the millions of images being shared daily, those that have a potential to be sold. How do we figure out this riddle ? In a time where everyone is talking about big data and how to make sense and profitContinue Reading

There is a popular saying that says there is no such thing as a free lunch. Likewise, there is no such thing as a free photograph. Here is why. Photography could be divided into two actions, taking and sharing. The first act of taking a picture is an act ofContinue Reading

Another shot was fired this week in the killing fields of photography. Just after announcing the purchase for $1 billion of Tumblr, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo declared “ There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing asContinue Reading

Here’ ’s the deal: Photography is all about sharing and social media is all about sharing. In fact , social media is all about sharing photography. So why is it that the extreme majority of those who take pictures for a living cannot make a living with social media ?Continue Reading

It’s the end of the year and soon the beginning of a new one. Time to review the past year and what better way them giving out awards, especially if it doesn’t involve a three hour long ceremony. Here goes, the first annual Thoughts of a Bohemian awards, or otherwise called the Bohey’s. BestContinue Reading

The next major disruption  in the photo world will be individual licensing. The ability for any individual to license images directly. There are a few forces pointing in  that direction. First, and most visible , is the sheer volume of photos taken. Among those, probabilities tell us, are images ofContinue Reading

Historically, ( we are talking pre internet here) the only two places one could find images was either at a photo agency or via a photographer. You could, of course, always check if your neighbor had any photographs you could use but chances that there would a match was very,Continue Reading

Would a publication like LIFE be successful today ? The editors at LIFE decided to put photography first and text second in order To explain world around us via photography.  LIFE’s magazine decision to give prominence to photography worked in a world were photographs, at least compared to today, wereContinue Reading

The real story behind the evolution of photography is its pauperization. In its early days, photography was for the wealthy and educated. The equipment needed was expensive and the skills involved needed formal education. Furthermore, the financial risks involved in being a photographer – variable income- meant you had toContinue Reading