As the mobile market is exploding, it is time to mark a pause. Daily, we see new apps being launched with the not so secret hope that it will gain enough adoption to be sold to a cash fat company. The issue here is that Let me explain. A cameraContinue Reading

You walk in a supermarket, pick up a bag of potatoes and head for the cash register. At this point, the employee ask you how  you intend to use the potatoes. Depending on your answer, he will charge you more or less. He also asks what is your overall budget,Continue Reading

While the industry raves about the possibilities of in-image buying, none of its major players seem to gain any traction. In fact, after Stipple last spring, it is UK -based Taggstar‘s turn to close its door on this model. In a very brief, cold email sent out today to itsContinue Reading

The LDV Vision Summit, which regrouped for one day some of the greatest minds in Visual :Tech, has just made public  videos of each sessions. If you were not able to attend, here is your chance to catch up on some of the most forward thinking in the space by someContinue Reading

Apple Photos App

It used to be that when trouble hit the streets, autocratic governments would shut access to the media, in particular to photographers. Those were targeted for a few reasons: One, they were easily identifiable with their gear, two, they could quickly communicate a situation via photos, and three, they workedContinue Reading

Adobe’s acquisition of Aviary is no surprise really. For a long time Adobe has been  the desktop in the photo editing tool  space and even strong efforts by Microsoft and Apple have made only little dents. However, they have been playing catch up in the consumer space for a while withContinue Reading

Photo by

While the majority of photo tech companies are trying to figure out how to monetize UGC, Pierre Pankotay, founder and ceo of Artdeo, is bringing the art world online. Traditionally held in galleries and in selective auction houses, the purchasing of fine art photography prints has been a rather closedContinue Reading

photo by

Flickr’s recent announcement that it will offer licensing tools to its user base should come as no surprise to the readers to Kaptur. We predicted such a move a while back. At a time when more and more photo tech companies are putting their content for licensing,  from 500px to EyeEmContinue Reading

photo by Mike

It ripped the sky open like a lighting in a summer night but we hardly heard the thunder. Yet. A few articles, from the Wall Street Journal to Techcrunch replicating the press release, but that is about it. Which is a little disturbing because a series A investment of $61Continue Reading

Visual brand power

Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless,Continue Reading