There are too many images available in the editorial market these days. The pressure has been such that the prices of images are going down, following one the basic rules of economy: When supply exceeds demand, the prices drop. And like 1929, it could lead to dramatic results for theContinue Reading

Like the Academy Awards of news photography, the new World Press winners are announced. A few notes of interest: ~There are a lot of black and white images. Not sure if this is a trend of how images were shot this year (2006) or the jury, looking at stories fromContinue Reading

There is a funny thing about photography. It is at the same time emotional and professional. It’s art, politics, opinions, point of view, more opinions, as well as as dollar and sense. Ever since the rise of the corporations, a lot has been done to strip photography of its “feelings”Continue Reading

Wpn or otherwise called World Picture News acquired New York-based editorial photo agency Reflex News and its founder Carlo Montali joined WpN as Editorial Director and a minority owner. I have no further comment, for now.Continue Reading

Although I was aware it was coming, I read the news on PDN today. The media giant TIME, Inc has fired 289 people yesterday. Closing offices, laying off staffers, it is terrible. I know some of the people there and it hurts. One of the very interesting comment made byContinue Reading

   There are no absolutes in this business. Fresh young and not so young MBA’s, whether from l’ENA in France or Harvard in the USA have come and gone, and have left nothing behind them besides their rulers and equations, hopelessly ineffective. There has been so many failed attempts toContinue Reading

I have noticed something interesting. There is a fundamental difference between editorial photographers and commercial stock photographers. Commercial stock photographers are exactly that: commercial. They are the ones that spend the most time blogging and ranting. They have endless discussions on the economics of picture taking, from the cost ofContinue Reading

We have heard over and over how photojournalism is dying of a slow death. Numerous reasons have be given for this, from the lack of quality images ( to which I do not subscribe) to the diminishing space in magazine and newspaper. Many years ago, with the advent of theContinue Reading