It’s Official : Media and Photography Break up !!
The Long love affair between photography and Media is over . Because the editorial world is replacing experience photo editors with journalistic background for inexperience pixel pushers that are ordered to select the cheapest images, regardless of quality, they are opening the visual airways for steep competition. A bit likeContinue Reading
In no Time
What is going ? I ‘ll tell you what is going on : Recently, Time, inc, the biggest publisher of magazines in the world has made an agreement with AP, Reuters and Getty Images to license any and all non-exclusive images for a flat rate of $50.00, regardless of sizeContinue Reading
How much for that little photo in the window ?
So you would think that with all the problems that online publications are causing to the print magazine industry, they would fight back in some manner. The print paper world would be all gang ho in trying to secure its predominance as the primary source of news and information soContinue Reading
A blind eye
Today should be a day to rejoice, worldwide. People all over the world close their doors, and eyes, from the surrounding world and regroup in their family cocoon to enjoy a few hours of peace and serenity. Outside, the battles still rages creating more casualties. French newspaper le Monde justContinue Reading
Dying in Africa. PART II
20 minutes to better understand what my earlier post was about. Chimamanda Adichietalks about literature but photography is as much a guilty member of this . We should no longer be the instruments of intellectual colonization. Next time you embark on a photo shoot, think of where your story willContinue Reading
Dying in Africa
I do not want to see another photo essay, multimedia or any visual on dying Africans. Never, ever again. Enough. I understand that it makes for compelling images, that it seems that the photographers cares, but it present such a distorted vision of this beautiful continent. Not every country isContinue Reading
24 pages
Some photo editors need a medal…along with their editor in chief. Not a one time award for best editing. No. Something bigger, brighter and more reflective of their achievement. Jody Quon, Director of Photography for the wonderful New York Magazine should be the first recipient. Not only the photography inContinue Reading
A blind eye
It is interesting to see that as the technology has made easier and faster to transmit images, we are seeing less of photojournalism on main events. 30 years ago, it would have been unimaginable that such events like the Gaza/Israeli war, the Sri Lanka war or the Iranian protest wouldContinue Reading
The Future of Publishing
Web 2.0 and beyond is all about empowering the consumer. It is no longer a viable business to make a product and sell it. These days, you have to let your customers act upon it to make it more personal. Technology allows this and as we have seen with NikeContinue Reading