It is not really the photo industry that is in danger of extinction, but rather a weird and strange animal that appeared about 50 to 60 years ago out of pure greed. Let me explain:  When photography became a job, the first photographers were troopers who would get up inContinue Reading

In a world gone crazy, crazy things happen. In an effort to streamline their cost, previously Holland-based stock photo agency The  Cover Story is moving their offices to….Bangalore, India. Among the many reasons that TCS offers for moving half way across the world, the company sites the ability to ”Continue Reading

One idea, three companies. On the trail of the aggressive Gumgum and the smart Picapp, comes Fotoglif. The Canada base start up offers the same time of service as the two others, while it is not clear how. It is free to register, free to post. Somewhere in the equation,Continue Reading

There is no doubt about it. Photography is a people industry. Photographers take pictures of events because they want other people to see what they see. They edit their images with only one intend, to share them with others. Same goes for photo agencies. They have great pictures that theyContinue Reading

A recent press release just popped up that had me twisting. It is about blog provider PicApp and aggregator Newscom. The deal they announced is quite simple. Newscom will provide content to Picapp to license with their website tool. Simple. Yet the whole thing doesn’t make sense. Neither company ownContinue Reading

It not really a novel idea. Ap, Reuters and AFP have done it for years. The idea is quite simple. On one side, a big company with a lot of staff photographer producing lots of images, on the other, newspapers, gobbling images by the pound on a daily business. ItContinue Reading

No black and whites, no blurry Holga cameras, no artifacts. Journalism the way it should be. The Rocky Mountain News and its incredible array of talented photographers paired with Brian Storm’s incredible team delivers a very powerful vision of what the DNC meant for Denver, and maybe the rest ofContinue Reading

I am no friend of fair use.  “Fair Use is a USA law that provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test.  In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fairContinue Reading

Genius juxtaposition of images, endearing story, human, lively, photographically compelling, wonderful storytelling, the Mediastorm team does it again . See it now before someone tells you about it:   The only negative is the music that always seem to be the same on all multimedia these days: a  lonely pianoContinue Reading