As the mobile market is exploding, it is time to mark a pause. Daily, we see new apps being launched with the not so secret hope that it will gain enough adoption to be sold to a cash fat company. The issue here is that Let me explain. A cameraContinue Reading

A new trend is starting the emerge in the photo tech space : brand photo apps. In an effort to capitalize on the photography craze infecting all smartphone users, more and more brands are creating their own photo app. Having a strong visual presence on hip photo platforms like Instagram,Continue Reading

photo by Margot Gabel :

On our continuous  journey to discover new ideas, concepts  and content around photo and technology, we recently fell* on a very well written blog post that described photo sharing in 3 major historical waves ( the bank accounts, the social networks and the meaningful experiences).  Intrigued and curious, we reachedContinue Reading

Photo by

Whether it is more noble to have photos disappear immediately after being seen or to have them come back and haunt us after a certain amount of time. It all really started the day Snowden, out of Hong Kong, released files he had grabbed from the NSA confirming what weContinue Reading

We receive a lot of notifications of new photo apps here as well as we scout the internet for news of start-ups with a photographic touch to them. Every time, after testing it, we ask the same question: is it good enough to make people leave Instagram and use thisContinue Reading

photo by Gisella Klein

Entrepreneur, investor, artist and photographer Kevin Abosch has just added a new function to his portfolio, app publisher. With the release yesterday  of Lenka, an exclusive high end B/W photo app, he offers everyone the tool to connect with what made photography so appealing: simplicity. No crazy filters, no stickers, “likes“, audioContinue Reading

photo by Jerry OConnor

Let’s be honest, Amazon is not interested in selling phones. Instead, they want you to carry a device that is a constant and direct connection to its store.   See, one of Amazon’s issue is that more and more purchases are mobile and as good as their apps might be, theyContinue Reading

Photo by Borja Iza

The battle of the ephemeral photo is heating up. At stake is the control of the 500 + million photos exchanged daily on Snapchat, more than Facebook and Instagram combined. Ephemeral photography shows huge potential. Not only because of its vast and growing popularity, but mainly because it mostly reaches teenagers,Continue Reading

The problem with photography today is not Instagram, Selfies or other Snapchat. It is not the devaluation of the value of professional photography. No, those are nothing compared to the massive influx of a pernicious disease infecting modern photography. The problem with photography today is that everyone writes about photography.Continue Reading

What the image sharing culture has revealed is that non-pros are much better at taking pictures than anyone thought. In an analog world, everyone kept for themselves: Pros shooting for large distribution periodicals and amateurs shooting for friends and family.With the advent of Flickr, we started seeing a large  volumeContinue Reading