Regardless of what any teacher might say, there are two ways to become a photographer : take a lot of pictures and look at a lot of pictures. Everything else is secondary. And that is exactly what our teenagers are doing. In a recent study done by Facebook on teensContinue Reading

Regardless of what any teacher might say, there are two ways to become a photographer : take a lot of pictures and look at a lot of pictures. Everything else is secondary. And that is exactly what our teenagers are doing. In a recent study done by Facebook on teensContinue Reading

That’s it. It’s official. After months of maybes, wild rumors, executive defection, Google finally announced the splitting of Google + into independent platforms, Stream and Photos. While there might be a future for Stream, we are only interested in the development of Photos, possibly named Photo +. The trigger ofContinue Reading

We sat down with investor and creator of the LDV Vision Summit Evan Nisselson, so he could tell us more about the upcoming 2015 edition of the Summit, as well as his thoughts about the visual web. What worked well last year ? Last year, we organized the first LDVContinue Reading

Before we get too deep into the year, we thought that we would take a breather and look around the numbers a little bit closer. Since we love data around here, we compiled a few easy to digest charts to get a better understanding of the forces at play andContinue Reading

One the strongest emerging trend we have all experienced in the last few years is a massive increase in usage of photography. Not just for the purpose of documenting and remembering events for nostalgia-filled family gatherings but rather to communicate in real-time. In fact, the core foundation of all socialContinue Reading

With 2014 now behind us, it is time to look at the new year with innocent crisp  new eyes, full of hope and wishful thinking. As tradition demands, let’s jump into the prediction bandwagon and look at what the Photo:Tech space will bring  in 2015. 1) The majors will enterContinue Reading

Let’s face it, VC’s artificially sustain businesses before they are profitable, delaying the inevitable market confrontation giving founders more reasons to convince investors than users. In fact , and this is more prevalent in the phone app world, we see founders solely focused on seducing investors, hoping to figure outContinue Reading

It’s a women’s world, after all.  App analytic company, Appannie, upon releasing a new feature to its  intelligence platform, revealed  that most of the photography apps downloads were done by a majority of women. Photo sharing sites like  Pinterest know this very well already (80% women), as well as InstagramContinue Reading

We are entering what seems to be the next phase in image management. Taking a cue from the formidable amount of images taken each day by individuals, photo hosting sites are realizing that storing and displaying images one by one as they arrive is no longer enough. Because it hasContinue Reading