A rather big parallel universe to the photo industry is the copyright industry. According to the Copyright Alliance, “The U.S. core copyright industries accounted for an estimated $819.06 billion or 6.56% of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005.” That, of course, includes music, graphic, video on top ofContinue Reading

Social bookmarking website Digg.com has just launched, last night, an addition to their service. From now on, registered users will be able to submit images. For those unfamiliar with Digg, let me explain. You see an article you like, you submitt to Digg. If others like it, they also “Digg”Continue Reading

It seems that image tracking company Picscout is seriously advancing on a new way to generate revenue from blogs with the imminent launch of Picapp, currently in Beta testing. The principle is simple. You get a free image to post on your website as long as you accept advertising onContinue Reading

A group of us were invited to discuss the alternate source of imagery as well as the future of stock photography on a panel organized by the American Society of Picture Professionals this past Monday. I have skipped the product presentation that you can see here, if you would like,Continue Reading

One has to wonder what is going in the minds of the Getty management. A quick stroll throught their website today reveals some strange discoveries. Follow me for a little tour, I will show you: Free images for website usage ?: If you go to the entertainemnet images pages andContinue Reading

In an interview to PDN magazine, master blogger Dan Heller offers the photography world a new idea : Create an Ebay of photography. People, that is everybody and anybody, would upload images to a site where image buyers, other people, would purchase them for an settle upon price. That wouldContinue Reading

  It is funny how keywords have become the new verb. It is no more about what you are looking for but what is available. Keyword search has been elevated to new highs as photo agencies fail to replace the old “call me and let me find what you areContinue Reading

It is such an interesting time to be around the business of photography. A once very established , entrenched community of image sellers ruled the landscape of the licensing world by applying rules and regulations on term and pricing. They were doing so in their egg shell and tottally obliviousContinue Reading

There are many things we seem to forget while we all go about our daily business of licensing images. Some are good, some are bad, some are in between. In order to clear up the horizon, I made a little list. The Good ( or positive) : – Microstock :Continue Reading

There is a computer term to describe the management of lists. It is called LIFO, for Last In First Out. It should be a photo agency term too. What used to be the field of editorial photography is now becoming a standard in all websites, be it commercial stock toContinue Reading