What the image sharing culture has revealed is that non-pros are much better at taking pictures than anyone thought. In an analog world, everyone kept for themselves: Pros shooting for large distribution periodicals and amateurs shooting for friends and family.With the advent of Flickr, we started seeing a large  volumeContinue Reading

Google wants them, Amazon wants them, Twitter, Facebook, DropBox, Evernote , Yahoo wants them.  Everyone on the internet, it seems, wants your photos. And for good reasons: • Photos are  what makes you come back over and over to a site/app. Not only your images but those of your friends,Continue Reading

Rumors of that  Facebook is about to launch an ephemeral app surfaced late this week end. While it could be surprising for some, especially after the company’s failure in that space emphasised by the recent closure of Poke,  it is actually the least they could do. Here is why it makesContinue Reading