The buzz in the ad world these days is all about content marketing. Why ? With content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generating about 3 times as many leads, 78% of CMO’s believe it is the future of marketing. (Source:DemandMetric).People spend more online ( ~ 6 hours aContinue Reading

The next big frontier for anyone involved with photography online is content curation.  The value of a company dealing with photography is not in its ability to attract a large amount of content – that is the easy part-  but rather in its ability to create value to the contentContinue Reading

photo by brett jordan

As the battle for the tech photo space rages on, we are starting to see appearing a new functionality for photos online. And it has nothing to do with filters. The recent release of Facebook’s ephemeral app Slingshot, the so-called Snapchat killer, has brought forth a new definition for photosContinue Reading

photo by Jerry OConnor

Let’s be honest, Amazon is not interested in selling phones. Instead, they want you to carry a device that is a constant and direct connection to its store.   See, one of Amazon’s issue is that more and more purchases are mobile and as good as their apps might be, theyContinue Reading

Photo by Pierre Mallien

Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless,Continue Reading

Visual brand power

Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless,Continue Reading

The problem with photography today is not Instagram, Selfies or other Snapchat. It is not the devaluation of the value of professional photography. No, those are nothing compared to the massive influx of a pernicious disease infecting modern photography. The problem with photography today is that everyone writes about photography.Continue Reading

The Apple WWDC closes and it leaves crumbs on the floor.  Let’s see what message they leave us: iOS 8 and Yosemite will be a another major push from Apple to continue to dominate the photo tech world. Unlike app makers, the Copernito team has the luxury of waiting and analysing whatContinue Reading