There is more to the world around us than we can see. Much more. While we compensate for that lack of vision with our other senses, like touch or smell, machines do have this luxury. Thermal sensors, who can capture and render heat signatures, fill in this void and combinedContinue Reading

Machine vision is partially blind. Of all the information a camera can capture, one essential part is always missing. Unlike popular belief, 3D capture is not about rendering a 3D environment but rather giving vision sensors the power to integrate depth, very much as our own eyes ( and brain)Continue Reading

After Watson’s success at winning Jeopardy competitions, IBM created a whole new business unit entirely dedicated to taking advantage of its impressive capabilities. Using cloud computing and  cognitive A.I., the IBM Watson ecosystem can process language, text, image, speech or data as input for anyone at any scale. Realizing thatContinue Reading

For thousands of years humans have engaged in making visual records of the world around them. From the earliest Ice Age animal cave paintings to birthday photos of our children, a common value seems to be expressing itself through our ever evolving technologies and skills that create “visual likeness.” Charcoal, ink,Continue Reading

One of the lesser known application of data mining from images is satellite imagery. Mostly because it services businesses more than  consumers. However, the combination of much larger pools of available images and advances in neural networks has made it one of the most promising and exciting field of visualContinue Reading

The 2015 year ends pretty much as it started. Some promises were delivered, some fell short. At least for now. With mobile continuing to dominate as the number one gateway to the online experience and visual being its strongest appeal, one would have thought that visual tech would have explodedContinue Reading

Our relationship with the camera, the lens and the image is evolving. The static stance of capturing a moment in a photograph is still there, but this is rapidly changing. With the help of new emerging technologies, photography is becoming ubiquitous and pervasive. The advent of machine vision, deep learning,Continue Reading