Photo by Chalky Lives :

Photo sharing apps are dime a dozen with new ones being offered everyday. They are built on the premise that every photo taken and shared should have an audience, which is not often the case. In fact, we are being forced fed photos from our friends and relatives with fewContinue Reading

photo by Margot Gabel :

On our continuous  journey to discover new ideas, concepts  and content around photo and technology, we recently fell* on a very well written blog post that described photo sharing in 3 major historical waves ( the bank accounts, the social networks and the meaningful experiences).  Intrigued and curious, we reachedContinue Reading

photo by Mike

It ripped the sky open like a lighting in a summer night but we hardly heard the thunder. Yet. A few articles, from the Wall Street Journal to Techcrunch replicating the press release, but that is about it. Which is a little disturbing because a series A investment of $61Continue Reading

The buzz in the ad world these days is all about content marketing. Why ? With content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generating about 3 times as many leads, 78% of CMO’s believe it is the future of marketing. (Source:DemandMetric).People spend more online ( ~ 6 hours aContinue Reading

Photo by Pierre Mallien

Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless,Continue Reading

Lytro is an interesting company in the photo space because it is one of the rare few that has taken the very challenging path of trying to introduce a brand new image format.  Instead of trying to stretch the last dying pixels of the too common jpg and it’s flat,Continue Reading

What the image sharing culture has revealed is that non-pros are much better at taking pictures than anyone thought. In an analog world, everyone kept for themselves: Pros shooting for large distribution periodicals and amateurs shooting for friends and family.With the advent of Flickr, we started seeing a large  volumeContinue Reading

      The world of professional photography has been scratching its head trying to figure out why so many casual photographers are having as much success, if not more, than they are. After all, on one side you have experience, adequate equipment, preparation, knowledge and on the other, well,Continue Reading

This week, on the same day actually, two companies released a new mobile photography marketplace app. Both with same underlying concept : With this app, anyone can shoot and submit their pictures to be licensed to image buyers worldwide. In a world where everyone  snaps an images every 3.5 hourContinue Reading