All social media is all about connecting users via content. First users establish a core network of relations and via content sharing ( mostly visuals) it maintains and grows that network. But what if content was put first and the network second (or not at all). That is exactly whatContinue Reading

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau As the world of photography inexorably advances into the grasp of advanced computerized processing – filters, computational imaging, deep learning, A.I, multi-lenses and more- we start to doubt its ability to properly represent reality. In a world dominatedContinue Reading

Girls Dominate Visually-Oriented Social Media Platforms

Erosion takes a long time. Memories not so much. There used to be two groups of photographers, the casual, memory grabbers and the pros. The memory grabbers pick up a camera for family occasions or social events in order to compensate for everyone’s poor memory. Unimportant is the image qualityContinue Reading

LDV Vision Summit

Different day, different crowd : If day 1 of the LDV Vision Summit was all about science, research and data ( massive amounts of data), Day 2 opened the doors to more practical applications of visual tech, mostly around revenue. In other words, how companies are using the discoveries of researchersContinue Reading

Photo by Dave Krugman

Dave Krugman  builds online communities. Using his talent as a photographer and his social media insight, he rallies huge amounts of followers around a particular topic or location. As you can imagine, for a brand, he is a golden child. After many successes with such prestigious clients at The Metropolitan MuseumContinue Reading

Love them or hate them, selfies are here to stay. According to a recent study by Suite 48 Analytics, the mobile photography phenomena seems deeply embedded in the daily practices of the average North American.  84% of the 1,021 North American smartphone photographers surveyed said that they have taken at leastContinue Reading

Regardless of what any teacher might say, there are two ways to become a photographer : take a lot of pictures and look at a lot of pictures. Everything else is secondary. And that is exactly what our teenagers are doing. In a recent study done by Facebook on teensContinue Reading

Photo competitions are almost as old as the first camera. As soon as there was two photographers, there was a need to find out who took the best pictures. However, they were limited in space and time, with little or no room for everyone to be a judge. UK basedContinue Reading

Earlier this week, Mediapost published an article on the rising demand for original content by brands. Citing recent research, the article states that “estimated budgets for producing content have grown steadily from 12.6% two years ago to 23.3%, today — and are on track to surpass 33% by 2017 —Continue Reading

Adobe’s acquisition of Aviary is no surprise really. For a long time Adobe has been  the desktop in the photo editing tool  space and even strong efforts by Microsoft and Apple have made only little dents. However, they have been playing catch up in the consumer space for a while withContinue Reading