We shop with our eyes. Whether buying fruits at the supermarket or a car, looking for a new pair of shoes or a hotel to stay, it is our vision that ultimately makes the final decision. It is no surprise then that visual tech is an emerging force in the retailContinue Reading

Meet Storyo, the Portuguese company that is committed to revolutionize the way visual content is created and shared The future of visual story telling session at Mobile Photo Connect this year will feature Filipe Vasconcellos, CEO of Storyo, a startup that is tackling the challenges involved in building and sharingContinue Reading

Advertising, and in particular sponsorship, used to be a simple process. A brand would buy the rights to put their logo on a  team and would enjoy the returns of being associated with a sport franchise, mostly via TV air time. However, with more than a billion photos uploaded aContinue Reading

Tell me something I don’t know. Every year, this is the challenge raised by the LDV Vision Summit in front of an audience made of experts in their fields, scientists, researchers, founders, CEO’s, investors and pundits. And every year, the same reaction: Wow, I didn’t know that. The 2016 edition, whichContinue Reading

There is more to the world around us than we can see. Much more. While we compensate for that lack of vision with our other senses, like touch or smell, machines do have this luxury. Thermal sensors, who can capture and render heat signatures, fill in this void and combinedContinue Reading

Machine vision is partially blind. Of all the information a camera can capture, one essential part is always missing. Unlike popular belief, 3D capture is not about rendering a 3D environment but rather giving vision sensors the power to integrate depth, very much as our own eyes ( and brain)Continue Reading

With all the talks about video becoming the number media on the internet, little is said about how much more complex it is than text or photos. The elements of motion and sound, as well as timing , file size or even rendering, have made mass market adoption slow, outsideContinue Reading

After Watson’s success at winning Jeopardy competitions, IBM created a whole new business unit entirely dedicated to taking advantage of its impressive capabilities. Using cloud computing and  cognitive A.I., the IBM Watson ecosystem can process language, text, image, speech or data as input for anyone at any scale. Realizing thatContinue Reading

For thousands of years humans have engaged in making visual records of the world around them. From the earliest Ice Age animal cave paintings to birthday photos of our children, a common value seems to be expressing itself through our ever evolving technologies and skills that create “visual likeness.” Charcoal, ink,Continue Reading